5 Gallon Buddy Jug Case- 6/case for Pur One and Pur Tabs

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5 Gallon Buddy Jug Case- 6/case

This product is a case of empty jugs, 6 per case for use with Pur One or Pur Tabs Disinfectants by EarthSafe.  

Ready to get the best price per gallon on your cleaner and disinfectant?  Just add tap water to concentrated NaDCC tablets with Pur One and PurTabs.

Use the 5-gallon buddy jugs in your facility for incredible savings.  Check out the math below!  (Pur One and Pur Tabs not included, order separately.)  

Photo for image purposes only, jugs will come with labels for disinfectants.  

PUR ONE - NaDCC PLUS Surfactant to Clean & Disinfect

1 Case Bulk 13.1G Pur One (for Floors or 5-gallon buddy jugs) 256ct Tablets/ Tub with 2 tubs/case - ESPO13.1GLP  MAKES 512 Gallons of Disinfectant at 1076ppm (1 tablet per gallon) concentration: $341  ($0.67/Gallon!!!)  


PURTABS - NaDCC To Disinfect, Safe for Electrostatic Sprayers

4 Cases PurTabs 3.3G Tablets (for PX200ES Handheld Sprayer) 200ct tablets/tub 6 tubs/case.  ESPT3.3G  Makes 1200 Gallons of Disinfectant at 1076ppm (4 tablets per gallon) concentration:  $980 ($0.82/gallon)

4 Cases PurTabs 13.1G Tablets (for PX300ES Backpack Sprayer) 256ct tablets/tub - 2 tubs/case.   ESPT13.1G  MAKES 512 Gallons of Disinfectant at 1076ppm (one tablet per gallon) concentration: $1024 ($2/Gallon)  


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